Thursday, October 21, 2010

Mayoral Candidates

There are five major candidates that are moving around from one place to other in Toronto. They are campainging at different spots too.The 2010 Toronto municipal election will be held on October 25, 2010 to elect a mayor and 44 city councillors in Toronto, Ontario. All citizen are supposed to vote for the right person of thier choices. While voting is a responsibility so every citizen should be responsible enough to choose the right person, however, its really hard to find the right person in politics.


  1. totally agree.
    it's rare to find someone genuine in politics.

  2. What makes somebody genuine? Are sayig they're all liars? That's a big of a generalization isn't it. Perhaps you might go into politics one day and try to make a difference. I hope you do.

  3. In the end i dont think any body wants to hastle themselves with all these responsibilities and headaches they all do it for their benefit and the MONEY!!!
